Gas Safety Tips

“When it Comes to Natural Gas Safety, It Makes Sense to Trust Your Senses”.  Did you know that over 50 percent of all American households rely on natural gas to meet their energy needs?  Or that every day Americans use nearly 62 billion cubic feet of natural gas?  With statistics like these, there’s no doubt that natural gas is a crucial energy source for our country.  Whether you use this clean-burning, cost efficient fuel in your home or business, or both, it’s important to learn as much as you can about its proper use.  Natural gas companies, both in Indiana and throughout our country, work hard to keep this delivery system safe for everyone by sponsoring public education programs, meeting regularly with public and emergency officials and performing system inspections using sophisticated leak detection equipment.  While leaks and incidents are rare, it’s still important for individuals to educate themselves about natural gas safety.  Jasonville Gas is currently participating, along with all of Indiana’s natural gas companies, in a comprehensive natural gas safety awareness campaign.  We encourage all natural gas customers to visit the campaign’s Web site, to learn more about how to use this amazing energy source safely and efficiently.

Here are a few safety precautions to keep in mind, courtesy of Jasonville Utilities:

*Familiarize yourself with any pipeline markers in your neighborhood.  If you knock over a marker, contact the company listed on the marker or call the Indiana Underground Plant Protection Service (IUPPS), 811, so it can be replaced.

*Remember the three ways to recognize a gas leak:

SMELL – To help you SMELL a leak from a gas line or appliance, a familiar odor like rotten eggs is often added to natural gas.

SEE – Near a gas leak, you might SEE blowing dirt, bubbling water or an unusual area of dead vegetation.

HEAR – A leaking pipeline might make a hissing sound you can HEAR.

*If you recognize even one of the above signs, walk away, right away.  Don’t try to stop or repair the leak yourself or use anything that might create a spark, such as a cell phone.  When clear of the area, call your local natural gas company or 911 for emergency response.

*Include emergency contact information for your natural gas company on your list of important phone numbers (e.g. fire, police, physicians, etc.).

*Dig safely!  By law, you must call IUPPS, 911, at least two working days before digging for any landscape or construction project on your property.  Keep in mind that lines have been hit digging fence post holes, anchoring supports for decks and swing sets, planting trees, removing tree roots and driving landscaping stakes into the ground.

Just by keeping these simple tips in mind, you can make a significant contribution to community safety.  For more information about natural gas safety, pipeline markers and proper digging practices, call Jasonville Utilities at 812-665-2680 or visit www.

Ways in which Jasonville Utilities insures your safety:  vehicle and foot patrols, leak surveys, corrosion control inspections, distribution integrity management programs, public awareness and damage prevention programs, annual meetings with first responders (fire department and police).

Remember natural gas is extremely flammable and if released and contacted by any source of ignition will ignite, and possibly explode.

24 hr Emergency Number:  812-798-5630